Release V.


  • New “Image” component.
  • New “Player Video” component (MP4, Live video).
  • New “Advanced Button” component (mode GPO event, http and TCP request).
  • New “xNode Switcher” component.
  • New “QoR Monitor” component.
  • New “Advanced Clock” component (time zone selection).
  • New “Quit” button that can be visible or not.
  • Added Fader options: position of ON/OFF button, visibility of ON/OFF and others buttons, vumeter visibility, color personalization.
  • Added Phone VX option: if the VX configuration allows this, you can choose the fader use for the communication.
  • Core license integrates now Multimedia and Virtual Smartswitch licenses.
  • xNode family show all components for xNode.

Known issue:

  • Qor device : switching a button ON on a micro fader will not light the button the first time (internally the button is switched).


  • xNode Fader option: if Fader is declared on ‘MICRO’, CR MON is automatically muted.
  • Layout : filter added; Properties is now a fixed zone. 
  • Web component compatible NTLM.
  • Resources optimization.

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